Friday, June 3, 2011

MyLife.on.Games : LoL!

As-Salam and hello to all.
First of all, I want to introduct the latest game I play now.

What is LoL?

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 LoL is not Laugh of loud or Lots of Love that you know. It is the game that name Leagues of Legend. This game is produce by Riot Games. The game are almost like DotA, but the different are many.
If you want to try this game, just join the server where Garena make one server for Asian player like me. Click here for the requirements to play this game.

I already try out some of champion ( in DotA is called hero ). To build the champion, it is depend on enemy you play to.

There are 2 types of damage dealer.
1. Abilities Power ( AP )
2. Damage Dealer ( DPS)

There are 3 types of player.
1. Killer
2. Tanker
3. Supporter

Actually, to play this game, you need to GOOD at TEAMWORK. This is because teamwork is very important, not even in this game but many games a like this and also for REAL.LIFE. Thats all for now. Have fun and enjoy the game :D

* clumsy *
** messy **